

01-17 16:55:43浏览次数:787栏目:英语小品剧本
标签:校园英语小品剧本,小学生英语小品剧本, 《examination》-校园英语小品剧本,
According to the school rule, Sally Liu and Sarry Li have behaved against No.25 in Part5, while these were proved to be truth. Now the Court will give punishments below:
Student Liu and Li are supposed to help clean the school for 1 month.
If someone has disagreement, hand in more material in 1 week. (敲锤,众人鼓掌欢呼)So be it.
(谢幕,大屏幕打出SW的照片向Small White致敬,The story is based on reality>)

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