

12-01 01:23:42浏览次数:854栏目:英文简历
标签:英文简历模板,英文简历范文,英文个人简历, 电控研发主管英文个人简历范文,
Self-recommendation letter
First, thanks for reading my resume. My name is Zhijun Wen. I graduated from the South China University Of Technology in Guangzhou in 1997. I have learned about electronics, electric power, motor, invertor motor drive and so on. And then, I worked in Guangzhou Hualing Air-Conditioning manufacture company and be an electric engineer until 2005. Then, I joined in an electric water-herter manufacture company until now. At first, I took part in a window-type air-conditioner design team. Then I joined in the team for developing AC inverter air-conditioner in 1998. With my good job, I became a project manager of invertor air-conditioning design team in 2000. I became a director of the electric design team in 2003. In the course of designing, I learned about many things, not only about the speciality of each component, but also about the methods of controling the whole unit. I have joined many trainings about the speciality of the main components and that how to use them in AC or DC inverter air-conditioning. As a project manager, I know the procedure to design an electric system very well. And because the inverter air-conditinings are exported to many countries, they must accord with the CE-TEST, so I should learn about he rules of CE-TEST. As one part of my job, I must to be familiar with the rules of EMC and Safety. And I must ensure my designings to be accord with the rules. I did it very well with my hard work. In the current company, I have developed several projects. I can design a new electric control system all by myself, include not only the hardware but also the software. In the other hand, I can work with others very well. I’m familiar with the microcontrollers of such as NEC and Samsung and so on. I do my work mainly in assemble language, but I have learned C language now, I think I can use C very well also. And now, I’m a director of the electric design team. I work hard and studiedly. I’m humble and strict with my work. I learn endlessly. Trust me, I will do my work very well. I believe the word that “Where there is a will, there is a way.” If you give me a chance, I will give you a gratification.
电路工程师英文个人简历范文中文翻译参照 查看电路工程师英文个人简历范文原文
目前所在:广州年  龄:37
户口所在:广州国  籍:中国
婚姻状况:已婚民  族:汉族
身  高:165 cm 体  重:64 kg


工作年限:11 职  称:中级
求职类型:全职 可到职日期:两个星期
月薪要求:5000--8000 希望工作地区:广州,,


某知名大型家电企业   起止年月:2006-01 ~ 至今
公司性质:股份制企业  所属行业:
广州华凌空调设备有限公司   起止年月:1997-07 ~ 2005-12
公司性质:股份制企业  所属行业:通信/电信/网络设备
工作描述:于1997年进入公司,并于98年由领导指派成为首批成员进入变频机项目组专门从事变频机及超前技术课题的研究。先后参与大一匹交流变频壁挂式空调、1.5匹交流变频壁挂式空调、2匹交流变频柜式空调、2匹交流变频一拖二壁挂式空调的开发;由于工作出色,2000年被指定为项目负责人成功开发出一匹交流变频壁挂式空调和一匹直流变频壁挂式空调。期间参加多次变频原理以及EMC、PROTEL、三菱单片机等多种培训,使技能进一步提高。2002年进入新成立的中央空调项目组继续进行2匹交流变频风管式空调和3匹、5匹交流变频总管总线中央空调的研究开发以及后来的数码涡旋系列中央空调的开发。2003年初成为 电控室主管至2005年底,并主持开发了中央空调集中控制系统、电脑远程集中控制系统、电话远程控制系统、远程有线遥控控制系统等多个项目。



最高学历:本科  获得学位: 学士毕业日期:1997-07
专 业 一:电力系统自动化专 业 二:电机电器


外语:英语 良好粤语水平:优秀
其它外语能力: 国语水平:优秀


熟悉变频原理和空调系统控制,熟悉电热水器等小家电的控制。熟悉各种元器件特性, 熟悉PROTEL、AUTOCAD等软件操作,具有很强的电路板设计能力和画图能力,动手能力强,熟悉汇编语言,熟悉51系列单片机,对NEC和三星系列单片机熟悉,对三菱单片机也有一定的接触。软硬件设计都可以独立完成,已经成功开发出几个项目。善于摸索,自行摸索出解决变频空调EMC问题的一整套方案,对EMC非常熟悉。熟悉整套空调和小家电的电控系统开发流程。对于自己项目成员可以做到知人善任,很好协调项目成员之间的工作,注意属下能力的培养,做到人尽其才。责任心强,善于统筹安排,时间观念强,注意分清事情的轻重缓急,以达到最高的工作效率,具备一定的组织管理经验。

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