

01-16 16:41:52浏览次数:186栏目:英语学习方法
标签:小学英语学习方法,初中英语学习方法,学英语的方法, 书面表达专项训练6,

6. 写作 
  根据提示写短文(6分)有一天,你去放风筝。不巧风筝挂在了一棵树上。你上去拿,不小心摔了下来,被送去医院。 以An Accident为题写一篇40-60字的小短文。

示例:One day I had no classes. The sun was shining. And it was a little windy. It was a fine day for flying kites. So I took out my kite and went to the park. I began to run. My kite flew high. But then it flew into a tree. I wanted to get it down. I had to climb up the tree and try to get the kite. Oh, dear! I was not careful, so I fell off the tree and broke my leg. Some people sent me to hospital soon. What a sad day!
