

12-19 01:06:40浏览次数:246栏目:网络经典语录
标签:网络小说经典语录,网络流行语录,网络雷人语录, 男人的18样功能…,


the man's 18 kind functions …

⒈ 私人街道认路图 ⒈ & Nbsp;The private street recognize the road diagram& nbsp;

2. 强力开瓶器 
2. Strong dint bottle opener& nbsp;

3. 私人拳打脚踢咬的沙包 
3. Private the sandbag& nbsp struck and kick to bite;

4. 自动开门侍应 
4. Auto open the door to wait on should 

5. 看电影时的选座位仪 
5. Go to the movie of choose the seat instrument& nbsp;

6. 消磨时间顶替者 
6. The one who kill time to take over 

7. 消闲好去处指南 
7. Kill time good the whereabouts guidebook& nbsp;

8. 乘坐交通工具时的人肉扶手 
8. The person embarked pileup the meat arm-rest& nbsp;

9. 购物时的人肉纸袋手抽器加提款卡 
9. Shopping of person the meat paper bag take out a machine to add cash card& nbsp;

10. 购物后检阅战利品时的观众 
10. Audience& nbsp for the empress of the shopping to inspect war booty;

11. 电器常识手册 
11. The manual& nbsp of the electric appliances common sense;

12. 晚间送甜品的外卖仔 
12. The evening send a sweet article of outside sell Zi& nbsp;

13. 私人闹钟 
13. Private alarm clock& nbsp;

14. 人肉暖枕 
14. Person's meat warm Zhen& nbsp;

15. 预先弄暖被窝的人肉电毡 
15. In advance the person of the lane warm bedding meat electricity Zhan& nbsp;

16. 私家走光警报仪 
16. Private walk the light alert instrument& nbsp;

17. 性感衣着检查关卡 
17. Sexy clothes check toll-gate& nbsp;

18. 甜言蜜语供应商
18. Honeyed words supplier
