

  • 名称:英语各专题复习(交际用语)
  • 类型:中考英语试题
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:01-01
  • 下载次数:955
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:220 MB
  • 推荐度:2 星级

标签:中考英语试题大全, 本站提供英语各专题复习(交际用语)免费下载,http://www.qidian55.com
……ss is _________ boy in white? --He’s in Class 4. A. the B. an C. an D. / ( ) 3. –By the way, have you got _________ E-mail address? --Oh yes, it’s rggren@ hotmail. com. A. the B. an C. a D. / ( ) 4. Have you seen such big ________? A. a tomato B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatos ( ) 5. Several _________ are talking under the tree. And their ________ are swimming in the lake. A. woman; children B. woman; child C. women; children D. women; child ( ) 6. –What would you like,Madam? –I’d like ________, please. A. two bottles of orange B. two bottles of oranges C. two bottle of oranges D. two bottle of orange ( ) 7. T……英语各专题复习(交际用语)

,大小:220 MB

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