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01-01 19:29:39浏览次数:138栏目:综合类模拟试题
标签:职称英语试题大全,职称英语考试试题大全,暂无联系方式 2017职称英语考试全真模拟试题综合类C级第一套,

  Mouth.When you are thinking,you often purse your lips.You might also use this position to hoId back all angry comment you don't wish to show. _5_

  posture /n.姿势





  A If you are feeling down,you normally don't sit straight,with your shoulders inwards.

  B If you are pleased,you usually open your eyes wide and people Can notice this.

  C Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements,while quieter people keep them close to their bodies.

  D How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet.

  E However, it will probably still be noticed,and people will know you're not pleased.

  F However, to be friendly in listening or speaking,you must move your head a little to one side.

  第六部分:完型填空 (每题1分,共15分)


  Where Did All the Ships Go?

  The Bermuda Triangle is one__1__the greatest mysteries of the sea.In this triangular area between Florida,Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic,ships and airplanes __2__to disappear more often than in__3__parts of the ocean.And they do so__4__ leaving any sign of all accident or any dead bodies.

  It is__5__that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange

  happenings in the area.His compass stopped working,a flame came down from the sky,and a wave 1 00 to 200.feet.high carried his ship about a mile away.

  The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval Air Flight 19.__6__December 5,1945,five bomber planes carrying 14 men.__7__ on a training mission'from the Florida coast.Later that day, all communications with Flight 1 9 were lost.They just disappeared without a trace.

  The next morning,242 planes and 19 ships took part in the largest air-sea search in history. But they found nothing.

  Some people blame the disappearances__8__supernatural forces.It is suggested the

  __9__ships and planes were either transported to other times and places,kidnapped

  by aliens__10__ attacked by sea creatures.

  There are__11__natural explanations,though.The US Navy says that the Bermuda triangle is one of two places on earth __12__a magnetic compass points towards true north__13__magnetic north.__14__planes and ships can lose their way if they don't make adjustments.

  The area also has changing weather and is known__15__its high waves.Storms

  Can turn up suddenly and destroy a plane or ship.Fast currents could then sweep away any trace of an accident.

  Bermuda Triangle 百慕大三角区

  Florida 佛罗里达,美国的一个州

  Pueto Rico 波多利加]

  Compass n.罗盘,指南针

  Supernatural adj.超自然的

  Kidnap v.绑架

  Alien n.外星人

  Magnetic adj.有磁性的

  Trace n.痕迹


  1.A)from B) Of C)about D) on

  2.A)often B)look C)sometimes D) seem

  3.A)rest B) another C) other D)others

  4.A)without B)by C)from D)upon

  5.A)saying B)being said c)said D)says

  6. A) On B)In C) from D) since

  7.A)took up B) took as C) took after D) took off

  8. A)for B) about C) on D) from

  9.A)missing B) missed C) miss D) having missed

  10.A) and B) or C) nor D) neither

  11.A)also B) no C) more D) beside

  12.A) which B) there C) where D) that

  13.A)instead of B) except

  C) than D) nor

  14.A)Similarly B) furthermore

  C) However D) Therefore

  15.A) as B) for C)by D) from




  1.A.划线词和四个被选项这5个形容词都是C级应该掌握的常见词汇。Normal和 ordinary的词义相近,都具有“通常的,普通的”的含义。 Fair是“公平的”; proper是“适当的, 正确的” ;medium是“中间的, 中等的”。该句的含义是“每位成年人的通常票价是230美圆。”

  2 B.划线词和四个被选项这5个动词都是C级应该掌握的常见词汇。其中除A以外,其余的被选项都可以跟动名词结构:quit doing…… = cease doing……/停止……, continue doing……/继续……, keep doing……/一直…。该句的含义是“我们得要求他们停止说法以便所有在场的人都能清楚地听见我们的声音。”

  3 A. 划线词和四个被选项这5个名词都是较为常见词汇。其中,scene是“现场, 场面, 情景, 景色”;view是“景色, 风景, 观点, 见解”;event是“事件”, landscape“风景, 山水画, 地形”。从句意(克朗代克河地区是人们迄今为止所知道的最大淘金热(发生地)之一)来看scene的含义是“地点”,所以答案是A.

  4 A.final作为形容词其含义是“最后的, 最终的”,last(最后的)是final的近义词。Ugliest是形容词ugly(丑的)的最高级。该句的含义是“在爬行类物种中,蛇是排在最后一种。”

  5. B. adequate adj.适当的, 足够的,该词在含义上与sufficient (adj.充分的, 足够的)接近,因此它们的副词结构adequately和sufficiently词义接近。该句的含义是“大学通常会给已经很好地达到了课程学习要求的学生颁发文凭或证书”。Responsibly adj.有责任地, 可靠地。

  6. A. realize与 the wish (愿望)搭配使用, 其含义是“实现”。Fulfill vt.履行, 实现, 完成(计划等),该词与划线词的含义最接近。Adopt vt.采用, 收养, accept vt.接受, 认可, 承担。 该句的含义是“遗嘱是确保已故的人的心愿能够被实现的文件。”

  7. A.根据搭配—“……媒体报道”判断A(大量的,广大的,广阔的)合适。而借助mass 的含义(n.块, 大多数, 质量, 群众, 大量adj.群众的, 大规模的, 集中的)也可猜测出massive的含义与“大量的”有关,这样也能判断答案。Negative adj.否定的, 消极的, 负的; expensive adj.昂贵的; active adj.积极的, 能起作用的。该句的含义是“她一直是许多媒体报道的对象。”

  8.B. 根据搭配——“……的可能性”判断B(调查,研究)最合适。Reject vt.拒绝, 抵制; propose

  vt.计划, 建议, 向……提议; postpone vt.推迟, 使延期;该句的含义是“会议研究了进行更加紧密的贸易联系的可能性。”

  9.B. effect 是常见的基本词汇,其含义是“结果, 效果”。因此B(结果)是答案。该句的含义是“她作出的决定所带来的结构/影响是什么?”

  10.B.根据and的使用特点:前后结构对称,词义色彩一致,因此判断B((平静的和)安静的)是答案。Rough adj.粗糙的, 粗略的, 大致的, 粗暴的,汹涌澎湃的。该句的含义是“大海安静而又平静”。

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