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 距离09年12月19日四级考试时日不多,考生朋友需要继续加油努力。将近一个月的的功夫,依然有可能对考试产生积极的影响。 Short Conversations  题目序号:11....四级听力
 Short Conversations 11. W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends? M: It's really no s....四级听力
 Section C 36. curious 37. figuring 38. independent 39. unusual 40. interacting 41. formal 42. abstract 43. mystery 44. and he has found how....四级听力
 通过对话、短文及复合式听写练习来全面提高听力水平。 第二讲 7种必考题型解密  根据答案内容的不同,四级听力短对话可分为事实状况题,行为活动题,观点态度....四级听力
 口语完全攻略-起步篇  听,说,读,写,是学习语言最自然的过程, 就象我们从小学母语一样。所以学英语也该先从听,说入手。 首先, 需要选一本好的口语教材。大家不....四级听力
 通过对话、短文及复合式听写练习来全面提高听力水平。 第一讲 8种常考场景熟悉  四级听力考试中的段对话部分有八个简短对话构成,要求考生能听懂英语国家认识....四级听力
 最近校园内来了不少国内来的中学生,是从国内来的参加暑假英文夏令营的。 几乎每天都有,少则几十,多则几百——又是一群潜在的未来大学海外学生。 ....四级听力
 通过对话、短文及复合式听写练习来全面提高听力水平。 第三讲 4种语义转换归类 一.主要考查同义词之间的转换 【真题示例1】 A The furnished apartment wa....四级听力
 一般说来,短文听力备考训练必须抓住竖听和横听两点结合来进行。 所谓竖听,是指一套题目从头听到尾,从第一题听到最后一题。所谓横听,是指把相同题材和体裁....四级听力
 11. W: There were more than 100 people at Kate’s birthday party. How come she’s got so many friends?M: It’s really no surprise. You know she was ....四级听力
 亲爱的朋友们,别担心, 如果您一口气能读完下面这些文字,我保证你不会血压升高和热血沸腾地闹出什么乱子来;当你读到信的末尾你也不用去掏兜拿你的信用卡来付....四级听力
 复合式听写评分原则及标准 一、 复合式听写要求考生在听懂短文的基础上,用听到的原文填写空缺的单词,以及用听到的原文或用自己的语言正确地补全所缺信息。 ....四级听力
 一、复合式听写的命题规律 从考查形式看,四级考试的复合式听写部分有如下命题规律: 1. 在选材上,复合式听写多为说明文或议论文,涉及科普、经济、社会、....四级听力
 1. A) He plans to sell the books to a collector. B) He won't sell the books until he has read them. C) The books probably aren't worth a lot of m....四级听力
 1. A) The man shouldn't have invited her roommate to the meeting. B) Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting. C) Her roommate is unreliable....四级听力
 A Father and daughter. B Doctor and patient. C Teacher and student. D Manager and clerk. A Families with cars. B American's heavy dependence on....四级听力
 1  [A] The girls got on well with each other.  It's understandable that girls don't get along.  [C]She was angry with the other young stars.  [D....四级听力
 不论是英语四级还是英语六级考试,我们经常会在各种题型中看到对作者观点态度的考察,这里列出常见的一些态度词,大家考前可以熟悉一下。 不论是英语四级还是....四级听力
 大学英语新四级考试已经于2006年6月24日正式登上了历史舞台,如何更好地巩固老题型,更快地适应新题型,是每个即将参加四级考试的考生必须面对的问题。 就四级....四级听力
 Section A 11. [A] Discuss the situation with the person in charge of the dormitory.  Ask her roommate not to make so much noise. [C] Go to bed af....四级听力
 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations ?and 2 passages. All the end of each conversation, one or more question ....四级听力
 短文听力的提问方式最常见的有4种类型。 1.中心思想题。这类问题主要是测试文章的主题思想。 提问方式有:What is the main idea of the passage? What can ....四级听力
 Section A short conversation 11. C) He cannot get access to the assigned book. 12. A) She will drive the man to the supermarket. 13. C) Tidy up ....四级听力
 1.bill (1)账单,买单。 I will pay the bill this time because last time you did it. 这次我来买单,因为上次是你。 (2)提案。 We all passed the bil....四级听力
 以下是2010年12月18日四级答案 “听力篇章”解析: 2010年12月四级听力篇章难度与以往持平,没有太大的提高或降低,文字长度依旧是250字左右,题材是记叙文和....四级听力
 以下是2010年12月19日四级答案听力长对话原文及解析 第1篇 M : Mrs. Darlson Thanks very much for coming down to the station .I just like to go over so....四级听力
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