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08-08 15:45:36浏览次数:932栏目:四级词汇语法
标签:大学英语四级词汇下载,英语四级高频词汇大全, 攻克大学英语四级词汇:短语,

  1. 【真题】I can ______ some noise while I‘m studying, but I can’t stand loud noises.(1989.1)

  A. come up with

  B. catch up with

  C. put up with

  D. keep up with

  2. 【模拟】I have to _____ first the rest of the work before I go back home to watch TV.

  A. clear up

  B. clear off

  C. clear out

  D. clear away

  3. 【真题】One day I ____ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a nearby state college.(1998.1)

  A. came across

  B. came about

  C. came after

  D. came at

  4. 【真题】When the whole area was ____ by the food , the government sent food there by helicopter.(1989.1)

  A. cut away

  B. cut down

  C. cut up

  D. cut off

  5.【模拟】These gossip will soon ____.

  A. die down

  B. die out

  C. die off

  D. die hard

  答案:C C D A B

  1. 【模拟】A friendship may be _____,casual, situational or deep and lasting.

  A. identical B. original C. superficial D. critical

  【解析】答案为C identical完全相同的;original独创的;superficial肤浅的;critical批评性的,决定性的。

  【译文】友谊或是肤浅的,随意的或是深厚的,持久的。 superficial a.表面的;肤浅的,浅薄的

  【联想】shallow a.浅的;浅薄的;surface n.表面;外表 v.浮出水面;浮现,显露。

  2.【模拟】One of his _____ is to become the President of the Motor General .

  A. achievements B. ideas C. ambitions D. careers

  【解析】答案为C achievement 成就,功绩;idea想法,念头;ambition抱负;career事业。

  【译文】他的抱负之一是当通用汽车公司的总裁。 ambition n.抱负,雄心,野心;渴望得到的东西

  【联想】ambitious a.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的【搭配】achieve one‘s ambition实现抱负

  3.【模拟】The republication of the poet‘s most recent works will certainly _____ his national reputation .

  A. boom B. strengthen C. enlarge D. enhance

  【解析】答案为D boom繁荣;strengthen巩固;enlarge扩大,主要指在规模上;enhance提高。

  【译文】这位诗人的新作再版无疑会提高他在国内的知名度。 enhance vt. 提高(质量,价格,吸引力等),增加,加强

  【联想】enforce vt.实施,生效;执行;强迫,迫使

  4.【模拟】If you ____ in taking this attitude ,we will have to ask you to leave .

  A. persist B. insist C. resist D. pursue

  【解析】答案为A persist in doing 坚持做某事;insist on doing坚持做;resist from doing抵制不做 某事;pursue继续,从事

  【译文】如果你坚持这种态度,我们只要要求你离开。 persist vi.坚持不懈,执意;持续,继续存在

  【联想】persistence n.坚忍不拔,固执,坚持

  5.【模拟】 Employers expect their employees to be _____ for work.

  A. timely B. punctual C. prompt D. urgent

  【解析】答案为B timely及时的,准时地;punctual准时的,严守时刻的;prompt迅速的,敏捷的;urgent急迫的,紧要的。

  【译文】雇主都希望他们的雇员准时上班。 punctual a.严格守时的,准时的,正点的

  【联想】punctuality n.严守时刻,规规矩矩;punctuation n.标点
