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 The National Basketball Association (NBA) is the major professional basketball league in the world, with teams from the United States and Canada. ....六级阅读
 Debates among candidates are rare in most countries. But they have become a staple1 of American politics, particularly during the last 25 years. Ame....六级阅读
 181. The view over a valley of a tiny village with thatched(草盖的) roof cottages around a church; a drive through a narrow village street lined ....六级阅读
 1. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half. 2. But it will be the driver's responsibi....六级阅读
 There was on shop in the town of Mufulira, which was notorious for its color bar. It was a drugstore. While Europeans were served at the counter, ....六级阅读
 The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment” period from birth to three may ....六级阅读
 The British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive “attachment” period from birth to three may ....六级阅读
 Fresh water life itself, has never come easy in the Middle East. Ever since the Old Testament(旧约圣经) God punished man with 40 days and 40 nigh....六级阅读
 Drunken driving——sometimes called America's socially accepted form of murder——has become a national epidemic. Every hour of every day about thre....六级阅读
 For four lonely years, Evelyn Jones of Rockford, Illinois, lived friendless and forgotten in one room of a cheap hotel. “I wasn't sick, but I w....六级阅读
 How often do you sit still and do absolutely nothing? The usual answer these days is “never”, or “hardly ever”。 As the pace of life continues....六级阅读
 Improbable as it may seem, an increasing number of Germans are giving up their elegant Mercedeses, sleek BMWs and ferociously fast Porsches and ge....六级阅读
 The government-run command post in Tunis is staffed around the clock by military personnel, meteorologists and civilians. On the wall are maps, cr....六级阅读
 The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what ....六级阅读
 There are various ways in which individual economic units can interact with one another. Three basic ways may be described as the market system, th....六级阅读
 Western airliner manufacturers seem to be tripping over themselves in their eagerness to sign collaborative agreements with Asian partners as a low-....六级阅读
 Is it possible to persuade mankind to live without war? War is an ancient institution, which has existed for at least six thousand years. It was a....六级阅读
 1. It作先行主语和先行宾语的一些句型 She had said what it was necessary to say. 2. 强调句型 It is not who rules us that is im....六级阅读
 1、首先要扩大阅读的范围 在英语六级阅读中前两部分通常是实用性强的功能性短文,如菜单、产品说明、通知、住宿安排和广告等,非常贴近西方的实际生活,但对....六级阅读
 经常有同学问我:有没有什么捷径能够顺利地通过四六级、考研或者其它英语考试? 我的回答总是:没有。但是,帮助同学们找到一套科学的学习方法,不仅可以提高英....六级阅读
 1、首先要扩大英语阅读的范围 在英语六级阅读中前两部分通常是实用性强的功能性短文,如菜单、产品说明、通知、住宿安排和广告等,非常贴近西方的实际生活,....六级阅读
 4.寻读 (Scanning) 寻读又称查读,同略读一样,寻读也是一种快速阅读技巧。熟练的读者善于运用寻读获得具体信息,以提高阅读效率。  寻读是一种从大量的....六级阅读
 一、考生感觉六级阅读的难点及原因: 1、 生词较多 许多同学感觉六级阅读中生词较多,阅读时不得不花费大量的时间和精力去理解文章中出现的生词。确实,词....六级阅读
一、考生感觉六级阅读的难点及原因: 1 、生词较多 许多同学感觉六级阅读中生词较多,阅读时不得不花费大量的时间和精力去理解文章中出现的生词。确实,词汇量....六级阅读
 Passage 1 The question of whether war is inevitable is one which has concerned many of the world`s great writers. Before considering this question....六级阅读
 Passage 1 Opportunities for rewarding work become fewer for both men and women as they grow older. After age 40, job hunting becomes even more di....六级阅读
 Passage 1 It is hard to predict how science is going to turn out ,and if it is really good science it is impossible to predict. If the things to ....六级阅读
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