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08-08 14:54:35浏览次数:372栏目:雅思机经
标签:雅思听力机经与雅思口语机经下载,雅思写作机经与雅思阅读机经, 雅思词汇之大众媒体与现代科技,

  雅思词汇:大众媒体和现代科技(mass media and modem science )

  1. advertisement

  消费者 consumer

  大众市场 mass market

  渗透予人们的生活 permeate the lives of people

  广告业 advertising industry

  广告费 advertising expensesGetWord("expenses");

  传播信息 disseminate information

  来源于 derive from

  获得有关…信息 obtain knowledge about

  在哪里买到产品 where to buy the product

  突然打断节目 interruptGetWord("interrupt"); the programs abruptly

  电视明星 television personality

  推销产品 push products gear commercials to customers

  虚假广告 fake(false) advertising

  华丽的广告用语 flowery advertising phrases

  呈现生动的画面 present vividGetWord("vivid"); pictures

  夸大 exaggeration

  盈利 make profits

  为了追求利润 for the pursuit of profit

  引人注目 catch one's eyes

  欺骗公众 hoodwinkGetWord("hoodwink"); the public

  误导消费者 misguide consumers

  迎合大众的口味 tailor something to one's popular taste ( cater for the needs and taste of)

  讨厌的东西 nuisance, make people aggressive and cold-blooded,

  2. news

  记者newsman, journalist, correspondent

  消息来源informed sources

  3. computer

  便携式电脑 portable computers

  多媒体 multimedia

  全球信息化 globalGetWord("global"); information

  信息产业 information Industry

  信息高速公路 the information superhighway

  随着电脑的日益普及 with the increasing popularity of computers

  广泛使用计算机 wide widespread use of computers

  创造奇迹 work wonders, create a miracleGetWord("miracle");

  前景广阔 be promising

  奇特的功能 marvelous functions

  准确性 accuracy

  完美地完成任务 accomplish the task perfectly


  不断进步的技术 advancing technology

  非凡的业绩fantastic achievement

  掌握新技术master new technology

  跟上科学的发展keep ahead of scientific advances

  5. telephone

  交流工具 communication tool

  电信 telecommunicationGetWord("telecommunication");

  与某人交往 communicate with somebody

  方便快捷 convenient and efficient

  处理紧急事情 deal with emergencies

  被一些意外的电话所打扰 be disturbedGetWord("disturbed"); by some unwanted calls

  闲聊 casual talk, chat

  6. television

  最新的消息 the latest news

  娱乐方式 a way of entertainmentGetWord("entertainment");

  电视观众 TV viewer

  大量的电视报道 massive television coverage

  有趣的 interesting

  有教育意义的 instructive keep us informed

  呈现生动而真实的画面 present a vivid and real picture

  了解国内外发生的一切 learn what happening at home and abroad

  拉进了人们之间的距离 shortenGetWord("shorten"); the distance between people

  使家庭关系 更加紧密 make family relationship even closer

  促进家庭的团结 foster family cohesion, strengthen the family ties

  占用许多时间 make up much time

  上瘾 be addicted to, indulge in , abandon oneself to

  处于被动 be passiveGetWord("passive");

  使人变得更加被动 make people more passive

  忽视户外活动 neglect outdoor activities

  与外界隔离 be isolated from the outside world

  变得不善交际 unsociable

  近视眼 near-sighted

  接触不良信息 be exposed to some negative information

  误导青少年 misguideGetWord("misguide"); teenagers
