In the hospital

08-08 13:27:37浏览次数:291栏目:少儿英语对话
标签:少儿英语口语对话,通用少儿英语口语, In the hospital,

  Andy 今天早晨起来就觉得全身不舒服,头重脚轻的。摸摸额头,呀!这么烫!我们陪Andy一起去医院看病吧!

  Nurse: Good morning.

  Andy: Good morning.

  Nurse: What seems to be the problem?

  Andy: I'm running a high fever and feeling terrible.

  呱呱提示:护士姐姐问Andy哪里不舒服,Andy说他发烧了。记住,发烧就是run a fever.

  Nurse: How long have you had this problem?

  Andy: Since this morning.


  Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before?

  Andy: This is my first time here.


  Nurse: OK. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.

  Andy: Which department should I register with, Madam?


  register with … department就是挂某一科。我们来看看护士会建议Andy挂哪一科呢?

  Nurse: You'd better go to the medical department.

  Andy: Here is my registration card.

  Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is 4 yuan.

  呱呱提示:原来发烧要挂内科啊!medical department就是内科的英文名。


,In the hospital
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