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08-08 13:33:43浏览次数:625栏目:少儿英语故事
标签:剑桥少儿英语故事,少儿英语小故事, 放生故事:绝处逢生,



  In the dim light, a sick man could be seen twisting and turning on a clean bed. He was groaning and clutching the left side of his stomach. "It hurts! It hurts !"


  His family heard him groaning and then mumbling, but they couldn't tell what he was saying. The sick man felt himself leave his bed. He wasn't walking, though, he seemed to be flying up through the air! He couldn't tell what was lifting him, but higher and higher he went. He began to feel scared.


  Before long, he reached a dark and somber palace. The palace guards looked like demons. When they saw the sick man approach, they rushed up and herded him into the palace. The sick man realized that he was in the Court of the Other World!


  There he saw a very powerful-looking man wearing a crown. He was awe-inspiring, and the sick man seemed to be in fear of him, without knowing why. By the majestic man's side was a judge.


  The man in the crown spoke. His voice seemed to rumble like thunder rolling down a mountainside. "You know that it is time for your life to end, do you not? You also know that your grandfather died of the same illness of the spleen, do you not?"


  The sick man was too full of dread to answer.


  "Meng Zhaoxiang!" The sick man started when he heard his name. "When your grandfather was alive, he killed many animals, and brought his fate down upon himself. You have done some good deeds, and We believe that you can learn to mend your ways, so We are willing to give you a chance.


  "We will give you some more years to live, to see how you do. Mark Our words! Kill nothing, that you may not be killed. Let living creatures go free, as We have let you go free this day.


  "Tell all people what you have seen here this day, that they might know the price of the crime of killing, and that they, too, might mend their ways. In this way, you may balance out some of your past misdeeds. Do you understand?"


  Meng could only nod numbly. He seemed to go into a cloud, and gradually found himself in bed with his family around him. His spleen didn't hurt any more.His family was amazed to see him get right out of bed and go straight to the statue of the Buddha. There he swore never to kill again.


  He kept his promise. He wrote down what had happened to him, and printed a booklet for everyone to read.


  His life did not end then. He lived much longer. By the time he died of old age, he had become a famous official.

