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08-08 13:33:52浏览次数:603栏目:少儿英语故事
标签:剑桥少儿英语故事,少儿英语小故事, 放生故事:老许的膝盖,



  Old Xu came to work at the Gao's as a servant when he was about 50. He worked hard and always did his duties quickly, without any complaining or back talk.The Gaos thought a lot of him.


  One day, though, the sun was already high in the sky, but Old Xu was still in bed. He was usually the first up in the morning, so this was odd. Another servant went to his room to see what was the matter. First he knocked, then he pounded on the door. Finally, Old Xu came out, limping. He seemed to be in pain.

  但是有一天,太阳已经升得老高了,老许还没起床。这实在很奇怪,因为他往往都是第一个起床的。另一个仆人去他的屋里看看是怎 么回事。他敲门,接着用力锤门。最后,老许一瘸一拐地出来了,他看上去好像很痛苦。

  "Something wrong with your legs?" the other servant asked.


  "Look at this, my knees are all red and swollen. I must have boils," Old Xu said, pulling up his pants.


  He continued, "I had a weird dream last night. I saw thousands and thousands of eels. Two of the biggest ones came rushing at me and bit me in the knees. It hurt so much I woke up, and found I couldn't move. That's why it took me so long to answer the door."


  Mr. Gao said, "That is an odd dream. Do you know what it's about?"


  Old Xu thought a bit. "When I was 20, I opened a noodle shop in Dongguan. My eel noodles were famous. I killed dozens of eels every day to meet the demand.


  "After thirty years, I had saved quite a bit of money, but I was getting pretty sick of cooking noodles day in and day out, so I decided to invest. I started hoarding stocks of oil to sell at high prices when supplies ran out, and everything was all set. Then a fire broke out in my warehouse and wiped me out. Thirty years of work burned out overnight! I didn't have anything left. That's why I came here to work as a servant.


  "Do you think my dream might have anything to do with my knees, sir?" Old Xu asked.


  "That was just a dream. Don't worry, I have just the thing for you." Mr. Gao got out a certain ointment that was his family specialty, and rubbed it onto Old Xu's knees. Before long, Old Xu was up and walking around again. But a few days later, he got boils on his knees again.


  This time Old Xu couldn't even get up to open his door. They had to come in through the window. Old Xu showed them his knees. The flesh was almost all rotted off his bones.


  "I'm doomed," he sobbed. "They came for me again last night. It hurts! I can't stand this much longer."


  Within a few days, Old Xu had died of the pain.

