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08-08 13:35:53浏览次数:542栏目:少儿英语游戏
标签:少儿英语游戏flash,少儿英语课堂游戏, 儿童节智力大考验,



  1.What thing belongs to you only, but other people use it more than you do?

  2.What is it that becomes younger the longer it exists?

  3.In each of the following sentences there is a word that means an animal. Can you find them?
  1)      At last, I, Gerald, won.
  2)      That will be a real help.
  3)      He came to America today.
  4)      Eric owes me ten cents.
  5)      She came late every day last month.
  6)      Do good workers succeed?
  7)      We made errors in each one.
  8)      If I shout, he'll hear me.
  9)      If Roger comes, we'll begin.
  10)   We will go at two o'clock.
  11)   Is it the sixth or seventh?
  12)   In April, I only came once.
  13)   I'll sing, you hum on key.
  14)   She clothes naked babies.

  4.A foreign tourist asked the attendant on the train: "How many minutes will this train stop at the next station?" The attendant answered "Four minutes, sir. From [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu:] [tu]." Do you know its meaning, and tell the six words apart? Can you speak it correctly?

  5.Without a voice I speak, I'm small light and fleet, I express other's thoughts, and travel without feet. What am I?

  6.You have two little windows which you open in the morning. But you close them at night. When a man looks into them. He can see his own face.

  7.Letters A, B and C stand for (代表) three different numbers. If you add A to B, you get 195; if you add B to C, you get 188; and the sum (和) of A and C is 193. now  do you know what number each letter stands for?
  A——  B——  C  ——

  8.Match the follow celebrities with their occupations.
  (1) Beckham     a. politician
  (2) Cindy Crawford  b computer businessman
  (3) Tom Hanks    c. scientist
  (4) Bill Gates     d. playwright
  (5) William Shakespeare e. footballer
  (6) George Bush    f. musician
  (7) Maria Curie     g. actor
  (8) Beethoven     h. model


  1) A man lived at the edge of a forest which was like a big circle. One day he took a walk around the forest. He went in a clockwise direction, and when he returned to his house he found that it took him eighty minutes to walk around the forest without stopping. Several days later, he again took a walk around the forest, but this time he started in the opposite direction. However, walking just as fast as before, and without stopping, he found that the trip took him one hour and twenty minutes this time. Can you explain why?

  2) There are five groundhogs (土拔鼠). One of them is a bad egg. Can you find it out?
  A. It doesn't wear glasses.
  B. It doesn't have anything around its neck.
  C. It doesn't wear a tall hat.

  13. 智力题。
  What has a neck but no throat?

  14. From what number can you take half and leave nothing.

  15. If the "postman" is 1234567, Tom will be

  16.   How many squares are there in the picture?

  .    .   .            

  17.Bill is a green hand.

  A. 新手 B.老手 C. 有经验的人 D.没经验的人

  18.She is a wet hen.

  A 湿母鸡 B 干公鸡 C 泼妇 D 母老虎

  19.Do you see any green in my eye?

  20.The boy ran and ran until he was blue in the face.

  A. 满头大汗 B. 精疲力竭 C. 精神焕发 D 满面春风

  21.The letters in the puzzles stand for the numbers from 0-5. Can you work it out?

   A C D B C

  + C E D B D

   F B A D C

  A=  , B=  , C=  , D=  , E=  , F=  .

  22.There is a strange word. Its first two letters stand for a man. But the first three letters stand for a woman. What is it?

  23."I'm sorry. I can't help you. I'm a small potato." What is the meaning of "a small potato"?

  24.When you cross the street in London, you should look-----first because they drive on the-----.

  A right,left B right, right C left, right D left,left

  25.If you want to be healthy, you may have soup -----------.

  A before Bafter meal C at the meal D during the meal

  26.When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing -------.
   So when you meet them, you can say. "It's fine, isn't it?"

  A the shopping B the sports C the work D the weather

  问题就是这些,聪明的你一定没问题的!答案嘛——下周公布 o(∩_∩)o !
