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08-08 11:16:40浏览次数:297栏目:英语导游词
标签:英语导游词,导游欢迎词, 巴黎圣母院英语介绍,


    In thinking of Gothic architecture, our thoughts always ascend. For that which embodies Gothic style most is lofty; Rose windows of stained glass, ornately crafted spires, and the guardians of grand cathedrals, the Gargoyles. Each is distinctly Gothic, and all distinctly Notre Dame de Paris.

    Notre Dame de Paris, more than seven hundred years old, is only the most recent of holy houses to occupy this ancient sacred ground. The Celts held their services on this island in the Seine, and atop their sacred groves the Romans built their own temple to Jupiter.

    In the early years of Christianity, a basilica dedicated to St. Etienne was constructed around 528 by Childebert. A church in the Romanesque manner replaced the basilica, and this stood until 1163 when work began on the structure which stands today.


    Gothic architecture  n. 哥特式建筑

    lofty  a. 高级的,高傲的,高高的

    stained  a. 褪色的

    ornate  a. 装饰华丽的,绚丽的

    spire  n. 尖顶

    cathedral  n. 大教堂

    gargoyle  n. 怪兽状的滴水嘴

    sacred  a. 庄严的,神圣的

    Notre Dame de Paris  n. 巴黎圣母院

    Celt  n. 凯尔特人

    Seine  n. 塞纳河

    atop  prep. 在……顶上

    grove  n. 小树林

    Christianity  n. 基督教

    basilica  n. 长方形基督教堂

    Romanesque  n. 罗马式
