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My New School,New Life作文100字

12-09 20:28:16浏览次数:645栏目:英语作文
标签:初一英语作文,初二英语作文,小学英语作文, My New School,New Life作文100字,

There years had passed,I will leave my junior school for a new senior high school.  

 My new school has a big playgroud,many tall buildings,many computers,alot of grasses and flowers,just like a beautiful park.In my classroom,there is an air-conditioning and a TV. I think I can study well in my new school.  

 Teachers are very helpful and kind,so that we can turn to them and make friends with them.My new friends are all very friendly and nice.They encourage me and we can learn from each other and help each other.  

 I think I shoud work hard,then I can have a wonderful future.I shoud get along well with my friends,because a friend is a way.  

 Where there is a well,there is a way!

,My New School,New Life作文100字
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